Wednesday, June 2, 2010

America's Auto Disaster: Sanity Makes a Comeback


Well, here we are. This is America, 2008. The economy in the tank, the unemployment rate through the roof, millions of jobs on the chopping block, one of the biggest crises' in the nations history. Thomas Jefferson must be rolling over in his grave. And if that weren't bad enough, we have an incompetent administration and there is no one around who seems to be taking charge of this disaster. The White House is rather silent, the treasury has gone under the radar, and president- elect Barack Obama doesn't have too much to say either. But, who does have something to say are the corporate CEO's of America's "Big Three" automakers (GM, Ford, Chrysler). In fact, just a few days ago, they descended upon Washington D.C. in their corporate jets, ready to plead Congress for a bailout. Another bailout, another day. The question now is, do we bail them out? Or, do we let them go into bankruptcy? Hm, lets think about this. Here are three companies who over the past 20 or so years, have built incredibly inefficient vehicles, tortured the environment, and still, after the past decade of increasing energy anxiety, still have yet to get on the fuel- efficient bandwagon. Does this sound like a company that should be bailed out by the hard working American people? The bankruptcy option on the other hand, allows a so called 'douching' of the incompetent management. It would surely give these people a firm smack across the face and hopefully encourage them to make wiser decisions in the future. This option though would gravely endanger the livelihood of over a million working people and the small industrial towns they live in. Basically, it comes down to a matter of emotion. Do we bail them out for a sordid sum of cash, or do we let them fall and risk having the same issues again in the future? How much longer will we test their learning curve? There is an old belief in America that we rise and fall as one, together. How far are we willing to go, how much Democratic progress are we willing to go against to save ourselves from our own ignorant, blind apathy toward our own welfare? I ask a lot of questions. But one thing is certain. Right now, there are far more questions than there are answers. But even in the face of such onerous times, there is still a light at the end of the proverbial tunnel, the flag of freedom, though tattered, though torn, still fly's vehemently in these tear drenched winds of change.
America must act now to change the ways that have led to this disastrous economic climate. We need to invest not in apathy or greed, but in fuel- efficient technologies, rail systems, and renewable energy sources. These can no longer just be words used to distract the truth seeking public. They must be that. Truths. The actions we take now will determine our future outcome as a nation. This is the moment that has taken so long to come. The moment when the path is clear, but the steering wheel is held by more than two hands. The time is now for the American people to see clearly, to actively take part in their own self- created fate.

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