Wednesday, June 2, 2010

People I Can Do Without Part II


1. People who drive Grand Am's and think that it makes them cool
2. People who want to save the planet. We can't even save ourselves and now we're suddenly going to save the entire planet? Give me a fucking break.
3. Fat people who use wheelchairs due to their grotesque weight
4. People who wear camouflage baseball hats
5. Blind people who have yet to learn how to use their stick
6. People who back up in drive- through lines
7. Emo/ scene kids with oddly shaped noses
8. People who are white and dress in the style of black males. You're white and you're lame. Get over it.
9. People with 'baby-on-board' stickers on their car
10. People who drive pick- up trucks but add large antennas or vertical exhaust systems to them.
11. People who throw cigarette butt's out the window. Especially when they hit your car.
12. Christmas gift fad's
13. People who wear a suit while driving a European import sedan.
14. People who have American flag's on a large, tall poll in their front yard with flood lights shining up at it.
15. People who take emo-esque pictures of themselves, turn them into black and white, and make it look like their drowning.
16. People who chronically complain about the incompetent leaders they helped to elect.
17. People with eating disorders. You either eat, or you don't. What the fuck is the big mystery?
18. People who listen exclusively to rap, Hannah Montana or any other corporate bullshit, manufactured artists.
19. People who smoke cigars and don't have credentials that make them interesting.
20. Dead people buried underground. What a waste of space.
21. People whose real name (e.g Wolf Blitzer) sounds as if it's a stage name.
22. Rachel Maddow
23. People who never stop talking and continuously talk about the most trite and meaningless shit.
24. People who like milk. Just kidding. But not really.
25. Fat people who go to fast- food restaurants or any restaurant where there is food that may contribute to their high, gluttonous caloric intake.
26. People who eat the candy that comes out of those little glass stands in haircut places that look as if they haven't been sanitized since the inception of the business itself.
27. People who act like they know a lot about something everyone has common knowledge of.
28. Girls who dress as if they live on a farm or try to conform to some type of pseudo- agrarian enigma.
29. People who want others to believe they smoke marijuana because they think that'll make them cool to their otherwise oblivious peers.
30. NRA members
31. People who announce what bodily function they are going to perform in the bathroom.
32. People who talk about the color of their urine.

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