Wednesday, June 2, 2010



This is not a joke. This actually happened. It took a lot of courage and self- persuasion to publicly post this incident, but I did it in the best interest of the citizens of America, or at least the ones on Facebook.

-Today around 1pm I went to get gas (mid-grade) to fill up my Explorer at the Cenex station on the corner by Cedar Creek Mall ( a painful experience in and of itself). I filled up, walked inside the station, paid and then walked out. Pretty routine.

-As I walked out of the station, a man in a white Chevy Trailblazer with Minnesota plates asked me to come over by him. Thinking he was going to ask me for directions, I walked over to the vehicle. He asked me if I was interested in purchasing some home audio speakers.

-He got out of the SUV, opened the rear hatch and proceeded to show me these boxes of speakers. His "colleague" came out of the station and sat in the passenger seat. He claimed that he was on a delivery and he had an overstock of these speakers which are of the DiVinci brand, and that if he didn't get rid of them, his boss would be upset and would most likely end up taking them.

-Seeing as they both looked very professional and seemed legitimate, I extended my exposure to the bullshit stories they were telling.

-They claimed these speaker systems are worth in excess of $2500.00 (they're actually worth at the most about 130.00, maybe), but since they were so adamant on getting rid of their overstock, they were willing to go down to 5 or 600 dollars. I said no, I'm really not interested, but in my youthful ignorance they're art of skillful deception had me hook, line and sinker.

-I thought I was getting an amazing deal, so I said the highest I would go is $250.00. The con man acted as if he was disappointed but agreed to my set price. The passenger seat man put the box in my car and they followed me to my house where I walked over to their SUV, and they said they want 300.00 so they can make an equal split. I agreed for some reason. I walked into the house, came out with the 300.00, gave it to them and they drove off into the afternoon sun. Upon leaving they told me that next time we meet, I of all people, owe them a beer. Well, next time we meet they're getting a pen jammed into their fucking necks.

-So.... I take the boxes into my house thinking that I got a good deal on high end audio equipment. (yes, I know I'm an idiot). Being slightly suspect of what just occurred, I proceeded to open my laptop and search for the DiVinci speakers I had just purchased. I then became aware of the "white van scam" that I had just fallen victim to and I honestly felt like a fool. Now I have these big ass speakers sitting in my room which are constructed like shit. I took solace with my fellow victims who were persuaded into deceit which helped with the assuagement of my own guilt.

- I'll be back at Cenex tomorrow, waiting, waiting to make them bow down to me in pools of their own worthless blood.

-I was completely and fully scammed in every sense of the word. I don't know what kind of instinctive, physiological powers got the best of me, but they did. I came away weak minded and selfish, and it was a $300.00 learning experience that hopefully, nobody else has to pay.

IN ADDITION to that spiel, I plan on turning it into a positive experience, kind of like a rape victim, by using the event as a performance in my Speech class on how to avoid consumer scams such as the one I fell victim to.

P.S If anybody is interested in these HD speakers (they do work and have a OK sound quality) hit me up. They're free.
SPECS: 5' tall, real wood believe it or not, nice LOOKING, greatly enhance ordinary TV speakers) They are manufactured by a legit company but they were sold by scam artists.

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