Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Religion, Life, and Death (My own cellar door)


Seeing that I'm listening to Dylan's 1963 record The Freewheelin, pissed off and being anally raped by the dark vestiges of societies cliches, I'm going to express my tried and true brand of cynicism through the shattered prism of our proud language.

Religion, life, and death. Words used to the point of exhaustion every day in our lives. Words that have come to mean practically nothing besides the fear and ignorance which lies behind them. It never fails to amaze me, to startle my waking mind, the sheer ignorance and veritable enslavement that has cast its shadow over a once golden land. The surface of our society as gleaming and hazy as it is in the night streets is only a thin layer of what constitutes reality. Just below this surface of corporate control and mass consumerism is the paranoid truth which this layer is built to cover. The one's in control. The corporations have turned this society into a shopping mall. They have taken a land of people with so much possibility. People with the ideals of free existence and a land as wide as their imaginations and put up a Burger King and Wal- Mart instead. Now, the truth you ask? One may be hard pressed to define the truth outside of Hollister bags and heated leather seats. But now that your ass is warm and ready to get back to getting fucked by the long dick of society lets discover.There are two kinds of truths I have identified. The truth of humanity and the truth of nature or the universe. Delving into the truths of humanity is like descending a spiral staircase into a basement of demons. People are starving, not just in Africa but in the apartment above you. People are crying. Not just at pain but at the service of a fallen soldier in a blind mission of war. People are moving to the streets. Not to find friends but to find a place to live on this planet. People are sighing. Not after laughing but after working a dull and meaningless job for maniacal ends. You won't find any of that on your milk carton. At the end of the day the 3500' sq. ft house and the SUV/lunar excursion module just aren't making you happy. People see a dead fish wash up on shore, kick at it and ask, "why isn't it swimming?" Humanity is living far below what it could be mainly due to the stranglehold that the fucking asshole corporations have on us. They employ us, they feed us with their poisonous grime, they tell us to go worship our mindless ideologies on Sunday, then go out to eat afterwords at the restaurant where the waitress who raises 4 kids alone just gets by.They tell us to keep working so we can keep buying their shit that they sell to who else but US! It is a vicious and horrible cycle. But it is the way of the world. If you don't get on this hellish carousel you'll more than likely fall under the surface of this pretty world of lights and shops into that world of truth. Very few people who witness this chaos of "reality" can stay in it for long. Very few who fall below ever get out and build their own world. Those who do rise back up from the dead, wander the streets at 2am like a gleaming madman, an archbishop of existence with a can of juice and sweet rotten freedom just at their heels. You know them when you see them. They exist for the soul. They are the living embodiment of the human spirit. They have beat the system. They live in enemy territory but know no boundaries. They know that friend and foe is not a matter of where you come from, but how you come from it. I speak of them softly, but I do it with every fiber in my body. We all live in either the mindless consumer world or the world below it where truth can be enlightening or downright brutal. Some are on there way up, some on there way down. We all live under the constant rules that the universe has bestowed upon the Earth and us as a species. We rarely follow these rules however. And we all know if you don't follow rules, you get in trouble. I think you know what I'm talking about. Then comes death. The finish line of our lives. Some race toward it in glee, most scowl their faces at its approach and dig their heels into the ground. Some of the reluctant lead miserable and blind lives, you'd think they'd accept it and welcome it. Is there one more episode of Desperate Housewives on they can't miss? Is there a sale next week at Sears? Is it their fear of losing the ones they love? What is the fear? It is the fear of unknowing. That is why we invented religion, to give ourselves the answers. The blind will lead the blind, even to the gates of death it seems. Their only a pawn in their game. Maybe they've lived so long under the lull of humanity that meeting mortality on such a clear and looming level is a shock to their system. Maybe if there was a Wal-Mart with a Burger King in death everything would be OK. And then again, maybe God is a dildo salesman. It is indeed a strange thing to exist, there is so much that is false, that is misleading, so much that so many live in some kind of darkness. It is so easy to get swept up in the blind arguments and meaningless issues of the today that we lose sight of the face of eternity. We lose our perspective and gain egos and disorders and fall into a cycle of commercialism that the corporate controllers of our society have built as a trap. They have preyed upon our loss of selves, our loss of truth and all that I've spoken of.

I have spoken harshly much of this but I believe in my heart and soul it is the truth of our existence. In this world there is beauty. Beauty on a level so blessed and divine it brings men with guns to their shaking knee. I intend to find that beauty and all those who seek it.

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