Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Starting Now and Starting Forever


I watched countless folk walk into traps and fall down deep into the groove. They spin and they spin when the sun comes out and dream of a rising moon. If I could I surely would devise a way to win however many paths of sin, I'll walk each one with a fertile defiance. Flat out in the gardens of the university and the prison through the effervescent smokescreens of burning books are loveless madmen who rage at the sidewalk and careen through their blank infinity like a falling spaceship, they do, they do, I saw them all and will again. Their dreams, their cocks and books are all my treasures spent. I dream in a corner dark and diluted with cranium amnesia times 4. I saw it all, all of it in the beauty of forfeit which hangs over me upon the jaded lunar fields I crawl. But then I dream once more and I'm on quite unfrankly, an endless shore. The sun is setting and there's a silhouette on the blowing grassy plains near the sea, picking up shells that just arrived from the coast. I don't know who she is but she's there and I am there. I am longer no a wayward tower that sits to guard my fear but a gate and holy portal shining in front of who's really there. A violet soul is emitting light, the mirror sea reflects to the heavens free, inside is a burning golden leaf with 7 sides upon it. I will grab and forever hold it starting now and starting forever.

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