Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Thoughts On The Election


With only 13 days left to go in this unprecedentedly historic election, the differences between Sens. McCain and Obama are becoming ever more brilliant. In recent days politicians from the right side of the fence have made absurd and desperate remarks. Just last week we've had a slew of 'anti American' accusation from Sarah Palin (R-AK) and Michelle Bachmann (R-MN). Bachmann purported that some Americans may be anti- American. The comment was eerily similar to Palin's comment about some parts of America being more inherently 'American' than other parts. However, this does not surprise me. It doesn't shock me. It's what I've come to expect from the Republican party. The Republicans will always haul out the smear tactics at the end of elections when their bullshit hits the fan. Unfortunately, many of the American's who are witness to these false accusations and laughable stories are rather incapable of thinking for themselves and are easily swayed. The sheeple decided our election in 2004, didn't they? But it's not their fault. They live in a society that discourages free thinking and individualism. They've been fed the doctrine from the moment they were born. They never got it out of their system. But I digress. We the people, we the freedom mongerers have to turn them to the direction of truth, the direction of change which favors the direction of Barack Obama. Now as we all know, Obama has been the target of some ruthless tomfoolery lately. Bill Ayers, ACORN, and the list goes on. But while the Republicans are trying to get their big red, white and blue dick up the American voters ass, perhaps we should question McCain's affiliation with Bush. His affiliation with the party that has negatively vanquished this nation the last eight and God awful years. I don't understand the Republican party. They do not stand up for the American people. Has that not become apparent yet? The majority of the Republican base are interested in their money, their rich friends money and their rich friends friends money. History has proven it, and if we elect McCain, it will be proven again. Words are cheap as George W. Bush knows all too well. We need Barack Obama. He is the man of the hour. The clock is ticking, the battle is being fought as the hand of the clock swings through light and through day. When the dust settles, the winner will be standing and he will bear the colors of freedom and the promise of change. The foolish will be silenced and the testimony of a new era will tower above our most seething adversity.

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