Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Traitor of the Republic

Weak, spineless, easily bent to his global masters, this is the shaky edifice that the Obama brand has plunged its sick tentacles into. After a massive campaign of big words like 'hope', 'change', 'progress', that mesmerized the weary crowds, we find, unsurprisingly, that Obama is nothing more than a servant of his masters. His masters who he bows to in public.

Imagine that. The president of the United States now bowing to people like Hu Jintao, Chinese president. Granted they own 900 billion dollars of our debt, but why this strange deference, this destruction of national character and dignity?

Who is this traitor of the republic, Barack Obama? Of course, all the liberal Obamabots will say "it's just the beginning, he hasn't had time or cooperation to make change happen in America". Or they'll say something along the lines of "let's give him a chance, at least he's not Bush, stop blaming him for Bush's mistakes!"

It is just the beginning but by no means has the Obama administration been sitting idly. No, no, no. Obama has been BUSY as a bee making sure we continue our suspension of habeus corpus, continuing our never ending war in the middle east, working in tandem with Israel to continue the destruction of Palestine, renewing the constitution crushing Patriot Act, massive bailouts that have raped taxpayers just like George W. Bush, just like Bill Clinton, just like that fuckhead Reagan.

We need to elect a REAL leader. Someone who is going to initiate REAL change and not be weak, frugal, or two-sided. The dumbed down citizenry continues to watch their vomit inducing cable news, being filled with junk journalism, twisted ideas, corporate/state messages.

The next time there is a vote they, despite all warnings from logical, reasonable people will elect another RICH, COCKSUCKER who doesn't give two fucks about anyone except the survival of the status quo government/ world order. No one has given a shit about the citizens of America, all they have done is take, pillage, and plunder, and insult.

Is this America? Is this what we stand for? Weakness, betrayal, lies, puppets, parlor acts of change? It can't be so.

This is why we MUST elect someone in 2012 who is neither a Republican or a Democrat. Failure to do so will have catastrophic consequences for the the average American middle-class citizen and the nation itself. Republicans and Democrats USED to mean something but at the present moment they are nothing more than talking heads of corporate/ lobbyist interests who on the surface pretend to be radically different ideologues who bicker and despise each other when they're all really working for the people who are representing corporations which are taking over this nation.

Actually, they've already long since taken over, shipped our jobs away, poisoned our air, stole our money, and we elect more of their sly representatives. WHAT THE FUCK people. Change doesn't just happen because some guy says it will and you fill in a circle with a pencil on a ballot. Change takes effort, work, energy, protest, commitment, detachment from the TV, the reality shows, the dancing shows, all the forms of entertainment which we are being quite literally entertained into submission with. Although, these are things we created, this is what we want.

Americans are almost like submissive bondage pornstars. We apparently like to be raped, walked all over, our rights ripped up, our heritage smashed and replaced with the sick corporate deluge we wander through every day, and we ask for MORE, EVERY FOUR YEARS, "MORE ABUSE!", they bellow in their orgy of doublespeak 'elections'.

This is a tragedy of unbelievable proportions, yet we're all ok with it, at least we can sleep in peace, while our brave soldiers are killed for no reason as defense companies are raking in billions. Sleep, you sad fuckees, everything will be ok when we wake up, right?

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